Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Group DropDownList in Asp.Net MVC 4

Group DropDownList in Asp.Net MVC 4

In this blog, I’m explaining about group dropdownlist in mvc 4 and how to create it.

If you want to learn about the dropdownlist first then you can see my below blogs:

Step 1

First create a basic mvc 4 web application.

To create a group dropdownlist in mvc 4, you need to download a package from nugget gallery named DropDownList.Optgroup.MVC

To download the above package in your project,
Go to Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Console like in the below image:

If Nuget Package Manager is not available in Tools menu, then there will be Library Package Manager

Now download and install the package DropDownList.Optgroup.MVC by typing:
Install-Package DropDownList.Optgroup.MVC
And press Enter like in the below image:

This will install the package in your project and you are ready to create the group dropdownlist.

Step 2

Now add a controller and named “HomeController” and write the below code in it:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace GroupDropDownListMvcApp.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            List<GroupedSelectListItem> list = new List<GroupedSelectListItem>();
            list.Add(new GroupedSelectListItem { Text = "Cricket", Value = "Cricket", GroupName = "Outdoor Games", GroupKey = "Outdoor Games" });
            list.Add(new GroupedSelectListItem { Text = "Hockey", Value = "Hockey", GroupName = "Outdoor Games", GroupKey = "Outdoor Games" });
            list.Add(new GroupedSelectListItem { Text = "Football", Value = "Football", GroupName = "Outdoor Games", GroupKey = "Outdoor Games" });
            list.Add(new GroupedSelectListItem { Text = "Chess", Value = "Chess", GroupName = "Indoor Games", GroupKey = "Indoor Games" });
            list.Add(new GroupedSelectListItem { Text = "Playing Cards", Value = "Playing Cards", GroupName = "Indoor Games", GroupKey = "Indoor Games" });
            list.Add(new GroupedSelectListItem { Text = "Carrom", Value = "Carrom", GroupName = "Indoor Games", GroupKey = "Indoor Games" });

            return View(list);


Step 3

Now add view named “Index” and write the below code in it:
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";

   @Html.DropDownGroupList("GamesList", Model as List<GroupedSelectListItem>, "Select Game", new { @style="padding:5px;"})


Now run the application:

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